Parrot breeders have known that the main compromise when using an incubator designed for hens' eggs is that the turning isn't sophisticated enough. Some parrots turn their eggs almost continually during incubation and so to replicate this we have developed the Zoologica incubator which turns the eggs on rollers with digital controlled precision. The spacing between these alloy rollers can be adjusted to suit different egg sizes. The Zoologica incubators feature Brinsea's pinpoint control of temperature and humidity along with alarms to warn of power failure or wild room temperature changes to ensure the best possible hatching results for exotic eggs. The temperature control is further improved with the filled, insulated base.
The Ovation 56 Zoologica builds on the highly accurate digital control of temperature and humidity of the EX model with an insulation-filled base and heavy plinth to further improve temperature distribution and overall rigidity. In addition to programmable adjustment of turning interval, the Zoologica models also allow fine adjustment of egg turning angle from 5° to 180° for an egg of 45mm diameter - smaller eggs can be turned at a greater angle if desired.
Despite its sophistication the Ovation 56 Zoologica uses factory default settings to ensure it's easy to use straight from the box yet still allows unparalleled flexibility over the control of temperature, humidity and egg turning. An egg capacity of 40 African Grey-sized eggs - and the flexible roller system means that smaller eggs can be accommodated in greater numbers.